Authors are kindly invited to submit their formatted full papers including results, tables, figures and references.
All submissions are handled through the BdKCSE’2023 at EasyChair:
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Papers must be submitted in PDF format in the Paper Submission Link, using the IEEE conference templates:
- Word template (Download DOC)
- LaTeX template (Download ZIP)
Papers must be written in English, up to 8 pages in length. Each paper should include an abstract, up to 120 words, that clearly describes the achievement or contribution of the presented research, and 3-5 keywords. Papers will undergo rigorous peer review and be accepted after at least two positive reviews.
Publication: The conference proceeding will be published by the IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS) and available via IEEE Xplore.
Indexing: The accepted papers are submitted to Scopus, IEEE Xplore, Web of Science/Conference Proceedings Citation Index
Previous Publication : The conference proceeding BdKCSE’2021 is already Published & Indexed in Scopus, ISI, IEEEXplore. Download the Proceedings of the BdKCSE’2021 from here